16 Personality Test
A 16 personality test helps people understand their behavior, communication, and decision-making styles. The Bridge Personality test is the most trusted option for companies around the world. It is scientifically developed and provides reliable results to help understand employees for hiring, development, and team-building. You can order tests for each candidate or choose a cost-effective subscription through TestGroup's online platform.
What is a 16 Personality Test?
The 16 Personality Test classifies individuals into 16 distinct personality types, providing insight into their behaviors, strengths, and preferences. This tool helps you identify the preferred behaviors of your employees and build strong teams within your organization. Participants typically spend about 45 minutes completing the online 16 Personality Test (The Bridge Personality). A report detailing the results of the 16 Personality Test is available immediately upon completion..
BBecause this 16-personality test uses algorithms to assess the honesty of candidates during completion, it always provides a reliable and valid assessment of your candidate or employee.
How to order the 16 Personality Test

What are the 16 personality types?
16 personality types: The Analysts
The analysts are the first of the 16 categories—personalities of resourceful people who are frequently highly interested and continually looking for new information. The scholar is the first kind we come across in this category (INTJ). These are creative and strategic thinkers who are flexible with their strategies in different situations.
There's also the strategist to consider (INTP). These are very creative workers who have an unquenchable need for information—having leaders (ENTJ) as workers puts them in a stronger position to lead. They are courageous individuals who always discover or provide a solution.
The innovator is the last analyst in the group (ENTP). These are sharp, curious minds who will put you to the test intellectually.
16 personality types: The Diplomats
Diplomats are the next group of the 16 personalities. They are characterized by people who are quieter but may be incredibly creative. The first is the advisor (INFJ). An example of this type is employees who are often calmer and mysterious but who may still be incredibly motivating.
Aside from the lawyer, there is also the idealist (INFP). They are very poetic, generous, selfless, and always have a good objective in mind. The protagonist is whichever among the diplomats is more of a leader type (ENFJ). Everyone likes to listen to them because they are so captivating and motivating. ENFJs are people-pleasers at heart. They are outgoing, idealistic, charismatic, opinionated, moral, and ethical individuals. This mix of characteristics guarantees that an ENFJ can generally interact with people from various backgrounds and personalities. ENFJs depend on intuition and emotions more than logic, preferring to live in their imagination rather than the real world. This may be difficult for both the person and others around them. Rather than focusing on the "now" and what is occurring, ENFJs like to ponder the abstract and what might happen in the future.
Of course, lastly, there is the inspirer (ENFP), an energetic, creative, and social worker who is always happy to see you smile.
16 personality types: The Sentries
The sentries are the third of the 16 personality types. They are realistic and motivated individuals that would be beneficial to any firm. Whoever has a Realist (ISTJ) on their team should expect dependability, as well as a realistic, fact-based perspective. The ISTJ personality type might be frightening to approach, especially if they have never been in a relationship. ISTJs project a serious and formal demeanor. This personality type puts a high priority on tradition and traditional values. The ISTJ values patience, hard labor, honor, and social and cultural responsibility. They are restrained, serene, peaceful, and self-assured. These characteristics are the outcome of a mix of introversion, sensing, reasoning, and judging. Therefore, this personality type is sometimes misconstrued.
Carers (ISFJ) are devoted, caring guardians who, as the name implies, go to great lengths to protect their loved ones. The Decision-makers are, not surprisingly, the leaders of the Sentries’ group (ESTJ). They are the best personalities to put in a managerial position since they are unrivaled.
The Service Provider is the final class of sentry (ESFJ). These are workers who are always willing to assist. They are highly compassionate and, since they are so gregarious, they are often quite popular.
16 personality types: The Scouts
Scouts can be found in the last category of the 16 types. They are people who are very active and impulsive and who are constantly eager to try new things, such as the Solver (ISTP), who is swift with numerous instruments and tools and brave and practical.
Peacemakers (ISFP), on the other hand, are versatile and endearing performers. They are constantly up for new experiences. Anyone who works with Doers (ESTP) knows how much they appreciate living on the edge all the time. They are athletic but also incredibly intelligent and wise.
The Performer is the final of the 16 categories (ESFP). The name says it all: there’s never a dull moment with them! Entertainers are outgoing, lively folks who are always ready for a team-building activity or a Friday night drink.
Example Report of the 16 Personality Test
You can view a sample report of the 16 personality test here. This report starts with the scores on the 34 Big Five competencies, which you can match with almost any job description. Then you see the Jung Type of the participant. The report concludes with the scores on 8 general competencies.

16 personality test: The Bridge Personality
The Bridge Personality is a Jung personality test designed primarily for use in the workplace. This intelligent test guarantees that the applicant is only asked questions that are relevant to them. The Bridge Personality test employs algorithms that alter the questions in the exam if the subject attempts to 'steer' the test or fill it in with socially acceptable answers.
Features of the 16 personality test
Video: Unlimited use of the 16 Personality Test
With an account on The Bridge Assessment Platform, you can invite candidates, administer online assessments, including the 16 Personality Test, and order reports—24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. The Bridge Assessment Platform is trusted by companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in over 20 countries. The system is user-friendly and requires no extensive training. Additionally, you can get started right away—your account will be ready in just one day.
Has your candidate been truthful? Learn more about Normative-Ipsative Split Technology®.
Normative-Ipsative split technology® is used in tests like The Bridge Personality. This test uses artificial intelligence to help understand how people react in different situations. Normative-Ipsative splits® show how much a person's responses fit with accepted norms based on their skills. This allows you to see where a candidate hesitated or tried to answer in a way that seems socially acceptable. This tool is essential for choosing the right applicants.
The 16 Personality Types from the 16 Personalities Test
Every person has a natural tendency that shapes their personality. There are 16 different personality types based on a mix of 4 key traits. These traits determine each person's unique personality type.
Personality Type ISTJ: The Realist
Individuals characterized as the Realist (ISTJ) approach things thoroughly and are known for being reliable and serious. They like solving problems and tracking their progress with clear facts. They often work quietly and value traditions and stability. ISTJs are organized, dedicated to their work, and able to focus well. They stick to their goals, and with their perseverance and determination, they can achieve what they set out to do.
Personality Type ISTP: The Solver
Solvers (ISTP) are often quiet and level-headed individuals who are straightforward and logical in their thinking. They enjoy discussing things they know a lot about. They observe the world around them with an open mind and a healthy dose of curiosity. With a great overview and understanding of matters, they deal efficiently with whatever comes their way and are adept at adapting. They are well aware of what's going on in their environment and can quickly respond to reality. However, they do not like to make hasty decisions and prefer to first assess thoroughly and get things in order. They dislike being pigeonholed and get frustrated when stuck in rigid structures and strict schedules. ISTPs are skilled at noticing practical needs in certain situations and then devising a logical plan to meet them. They approach problems with a cause-and-effect mindset and are at their best when immediate action is required.
Personality Type ISFJ: The Carer
Carers (ISFJ) are known to be warm-hearted, loyal, and careful people. They feel comfortable in a structured environment where rules are clear and where traditions are valued. They are thorough, precise, and do their work with great attention to detail. They usually have more interest in helping people than in technical matters. They are at their best when supporting quietly and ensuring that everything runs smoothly. These individuals are steadfast, compassionate, and sensitive to the emotions of others. They often put the needs of others above their own, avoid confrontations, and are willing to set themselves aside, especially for family. They like clear structure and order in their lives. ISFJs behave quietly and seriously, and are always attentive and responsible.
Personality Type ISFP: The Peacemaker
Peacemakers (ISFP) are often quiet and thoughtful, sensitive and kind by nature. They do not like to argue and avoid starting conflicts. They value loyalty and commitment and are not interested in leading or controlling others. ISFPs are humble about their abilities, seeing them as natural. They are open to new ideas and experiences and are flexible, but they stand firm on issues that matter to them. They are often creative and innovative, living in the moment. They do best in a team where colleagues support each other and prefer working together rather than competing.
Personality Type INFJ: The Advisor
Advisors (INFJ) are known as quiet, yet influential and creative individuals with a strong sensitivity to the feelings of others. They are determined and persistent, especially when it comes to their deeply-rooted values and beliefs. They do not easily bend when it comes to their principles and can be quite steadfast when these are challenged. INFJs tend to go their own way and do not naturally fit into the role of leader or follower. Often they are drawn to organizations with a humanitarian mission and place integrity first. They find satisfaction in developing new and innovative services or programs that serve the mental or emotional needs of people. INFJs are compassionate and empathetic; they are willing to help others, but usually share their deepest thoughts and intuitions only with those they truly trust. When they share their insights, they often do so in an imaginative and complex manner. They have a clear vision of how to best collaborate to achieve a common goal.
Personality Type INFP: The Idealist
Idealists (INFP) are individuals with a strong personal ethic, who are loyal to the values and people they consider important. They look for meaning and purpose in their daily lives and enjoy helping others grow. INFPs are open and flexible, but they stick to their core values and principles. They are often creative and curious, always seeking ways to explore and express their rich inner world.
INFPs might seem shy or naive, but this calmness hides a strong passion and inner drive. They are determined by their ideals and beliefs. Even in tough times, they try to stay positive and hopeful. Their inner world is rich and complex, and they often work quietly to make positive changes in the world.
Personality Type INTJ: The Scholar
Scholars (INTJ) are independent thinkers, often with an original perspective on matters. They are good at analyzing situations and making decisions. They can easily turn ideas into clear action plans. They enjoy challenges and work best in environments that are clear and efficient. INTJs value knowledge and skill, and they usually approach problems strategically, always looking for practical ways to use their insights.
INTJs set high standards for themselves and expect a lot from others. They work hard to make their long-term visions meaningful and fulfilling. While they are natural leaders, they will follow others when they trust their abilities. INTJs have strong intuition and confidence in their reasoning, which can make them seem stubborn or overly certain of their views. Their introspective nature and reserved attitude can make them seem mysterious, especially if they keep their thoughts to themselves. However, beneath this quiet appearance, they have a strong dedication to their goals and a constant desire for knowledge and self-improvement.
INTP Personality Type: The Strategist
The Strategist (INTP) is a thinker who prefers to get lost in the world of ideas and theories. They are skilled at analyzing complex problems and spotting patterns. They improve processes with logical thinking and creative ideas, which have led to scientific discoveries. These individuals excel at explaining difficult theories in simple, clear terms.
People with INTP traits often think deeply and may appear lost in thought or dreamy to others. They tend to be quiet and reserved, making it hard for others to get close to them. INTPs value their independence and do not typically want to be leaders or followers. They prioritize knowledge and skill and generally dislike doing the same thing repeatedly or following a routine.
The Strategist (INTP) is usually flexible and tolerant. However, they can sometimes seem distracted, especially in emotional situations. In these moments, they may not pay attention to their surroundings because they focus more on logic than on feelings.
ESTP Personality Type: The Doer
The Doer (ESTP) is known for their dynamic and friendly character, often appreciated for their loyalty to friends and peers. They do not follow rules just for the sake of it, especially when those rules get in the way of getting things done. These people solve problems well and prefer quick and direct solutions. They are skilled in managing crises and thrive in energetic, task-focused environments.
Some people prefer a direct approach and like to tackle challenges right away. They enjoy living in the moment and take risks, which fits their fast and adventurous lifestyle. They can get bored quickly with long explanations and unnecessary details..
ESTPs are good at interacting with people and can strongly influence their surroundings. They like being in the spotlight and are often seen as the 'doers' in a group. They are always ready to take the lead and get involved in activities.
ESTJ Personality Type: The Decision-maker
The Decision-maker (ESTJ) is known for a practical attitude, reliability, and strong organizational skills. People who prefer clear facts and results often do not trust theories or abstract ideas unless they see how they are useful. They want everything to be practical and tangible.
These personality types are dedicated and hardworking. They focus on completing projects and tasks efficiently and as planned. They are good at organizing activities and often lead in coordinating work and events. They set high standards for skill and effectiveness and feel satisfied when their efforts quickly produce results.
ESTJs do best in organized environments with clear rules and defined roles. They enjoy socializing and take pleasure in being around others. They like parties and group activities, especially with familiar people like family, friends, or colleagues, and often become the center of attention.
ESFP Personality Type: The Performer
ESFPs, often described as the "Entertainers" or "Performers" of the personality types, are indeed social beings who often are the center of attention and enjoy the stage of everyday life. They are full of energy and enthusiasm, and they naturally brighten the mood of people around them. They can sense what others need, often before it's spoken.
ESFPs prefer practical, hands-on activities over abstract ideas. They enjoy working directly with people and excel in jobs that involve care and hospitality. This makes them great for careers in healthcare, education, and hospitality. ESFPs may not always think long-term, but they are good at solving problems in practical ways. Their flexibility and willingness to adapt help them enjoy the moment and respond quickly to changes.
ESFPs are friendly and energetic people. They have strong social skills and enjoy interacting with others, making any space lively and fun. They like to share their happiness and love for life with those around them. ESFPs focus on the present, which makes them great companions. However, they might find it hard to plan for the future or understand abstract ideas that don't have immediate use.
ESFJ Personality Type: The Service provider
The Service provider (ESFJ) is often socially-inclined, focusing on harmony and cooperation. ESFJs are attentive to the needs of others and are dedicated to meeting those needs. They pay attention to detail and take their responsibilities seriously, making them dependable and careful. They value loyalty and tradition, and they often seek a sense of community and belonging. Their ability to organize and coordinate makes them effective in caring for others while keeping things running smoothly.
In group settings, ESFJs create a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels included and valued. They are naturally good at organizing social events, and their presence often brings people together in social circles. Their warm and caring nature makes them great in jobs that involve working with others, such as in education, healthcare, or community service.
ESFJs care a lot about what others think and need, so they often find it hard to handle criticism or conflict. They usually avoid arguments and prefer to solve problems peacefully. This desire for harmony can lead them to put aside their own needs or opinions to keep the peace.
Personality Type ENFP: The Inspirer
The Inspirer (ENFP) is known for their enthusiasm, idealism, creativity, and rich imagination. ENFPs care deeply about people and value personal relationships. They are skilled at socializing and can quickly solve problems as they come up. They are always ready to help others. ENFPs act based on their internal beliefs and are open, adaptable, and interested in many different topics.
Their skills are very varied. When a topic interests them, they take action quickly instead of spending a lot of time preparing. This can make others think they lack direction, but their actions align with their values. When ENFPs want to achieve something, they are persuasive and can motivate others with their ideas. Those around them often describe these personalities as observant and focused, as well as spontaneous and adaptable.
Personality Type ENFJ: The Coach
The Coach (ENFJ personality profile) is typically very social, empathetic, and engaged with people. People do not do well alone and need companionship. ENFJs naturally like to care for others, which can make them put others' needs before their own.
Isolation can be uncomfortable for ENFJs and may lead to negative thoughts. Even in a group, they can feel lonely, which affects their mental well-being. ENFJs thrive in professional environments centered on collaboration, where they can support and encourage others. They can compromise and appreciate different viewpoints, making them inspiring leaders who enjoy being in the spotlight. ENFJs value feedback and may struggle when it is missing, as they have high expectations for themselves and others. Conflicts over commitment or engagement can be particularly discouraging for ENFJs.
Personality Type ENTP: The Innovator
The Innovator (ENTP personality) is characterized by a strong tendency toward extraversion and intuitive behavior. People with this profile pay attention to their surroundings and quickly understand people and situations. They do well in areas that interest them, using their sharp minds to see possibilities everywhere, which helps them solve problems creatively.
ENTPs enjoy facing new and complex challenges. They often lead in creating new ideas and innovations. They can inspire and motivate others to embrace their ideas. ENTPs prefer to improvise and tackle problems rather than follow detailed plans. They value independence and flexibility, as well as the drive for innovation.
ENTPs are logical and rational when drawing conclusions. They dislike repetitive and boring routines, and they resist structures that limit their freedom, like strict hierarchies and unnecessary red tape. ENTPs want the freedom to create their own paths and enjoy engaging in intellectual discussions and debates.
ENTJ Personality Type: The Leader
ENTJs, known as the Leaders among personality types, are known for their assertiveness, self-confidence, and excellent organizational skills. They are strategic and can effectively carry out big plans. ENTJs are decisive and usually have a clear vision of how to approach tasks. This makes them natural leaders in both work and personal situations.
People with these personalities are good at analyzing situations and communicate directly. They prefer to use logic instead of emotions when making decisions. ENTJs focus on their goals and are dedicated to achieving them, which can sometimes make them seem impatient or controlling. However, they also know how to motivate and inspire others to reach their potential.
IIn work environments, ENTJs do well in jobs that require planning, leadership, and strategic thinking. They often succeed in business and management roles where they can use their organizational skills. Although some people may view them as demanding or insensitive, ENTJs prioritize efficiency, competence, and results. They have a strong desire to improve their surroundings and aim for excellence in everything they do.
16 Personality Test for teams: the team report
The 16 Personalities Team Report is designed to significantly enhance team collaboration. This report helps improve problem-solving, communication, and conflict management. It provides a clear analysis of a team's strengths and dynamics, making it a valuable resource for managers. It answers key questions like: What are the team’s characteristics? How can the team work together effectively? Where can the team improve? The report looks at the individual personality types of all 16 team members and also explains the overall personality type of the team.
How to use the 16 Personality Test for coaching
Using the 16 Personalities Test, based on Jungian theory, can enhance your coaching strategy. This guide shows you practical ways to use insights from the 16 personality types to improve your coaching.
1. Self-awareness for coaches
Understanding your personality type from the Jung Personality Test is important for your coaching style. This awareness helps you use your strengths effectively. For example, an ENFJ may be good at motivating others, while an ISTP may be skilled at solving problems. It’s also important to recognize and address any weaknesses or biases related to your personality type. This will help you become a more balanced and empathetic coach.
2. Personalized coaching for clients
Using the 16 Personalities Test can help you understand your client's motivations, challenges, and goals better. Adapting your coaching style to their personality type ensures that your methods connect with their values and way of learning. For example, if you coach an ENTP, you might focus on brainstorming and creative activities. In contrast, an ISFJ might respond better to a clear and supportive approach.
3. Building trust and rapport
Understanding your clients' personality types from the 16 Personalities Test helps build trust. When you adjust your communication to match their personality, using relevant examples and everyday language, you can strengthen your connection with them. Regularly recognizing your client's strengths also gives constructive feedback, which boosts their confidence and promotes their growth.
4. Conflict resolution strategies
Knowing the different personality types in the 16 Personalities framework can help resolve conflicts, whether between a coach and a client or among peers. Adjusting how you communicate based on these personality types can lead to better understanding and agreement. Using these insights can help clients see different viewpoints, making it easier to find effective and peaceful solutions.
IUsing the 16 Jung Types in your coaching sessions can greatly improve their effectiveness. This approach helps you build stronger connections with your clients and supports personal and professional growth for both you as a coach and your clients.
Sample reports: 16 personality test
For the 16 personality test, there are six different reports available. Reports are available for recruiting, coaching, sales, and teams. Custom reports are, of course, also available. The competencies that would be included in the report may then be selected.
Video: 16 Personalities do-it-yourself Team Workshop
The Bridge Personality Test's team report provides an instant, comprehensive snapshot of the 16 distinct personalities within your team. This forms an ideal foundation for conducting a team workshop.Such a workshop is instrumental in enhancing collaboration among team members and boosting collective performance. Now, with the do-it-yourself team workshop package, you have the capability to independently facilitate your own Bridge Personality team workshop.
What does this 16personalities test cost?
That depends on how you purchase the test. If you order a single 16personalities test for your candidate, the cost is €175 (excluding VAT). The test is significantly cheaper if you subscribe to our assessment system. You can find all prices on the pricing page.
Is this test the same as the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)?
The 16 Personality Test (The Bridge Personality) is much more comprehensive than the MBTI. In addition to the 16 Jung Types, for example, you can also use a report featuring the well-known 4-color model with this test. This is not possible with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.
What can I use this 16 Personalities test for?
The 16 Personalities test is widely used by companies and organizations for coaching, training, and employee development. A Big Five report is also available for this test, making it suitable for selection and recruitment purposes.
Does the report include descriptions of my personality type?
Absolutely! The 16 Personalities report includes a detailed description of your personality type. It provides in-depth insights into how your personality type handles stress, conflict resolution, management style, and communication.
Is this 16 Personalities test also suitable for relationship and career advice?
This test is indeed suitable for career advice and is often used by professionals such as coaches and career advisors for that purpose. However, the 16 Personalities test is not suitable for relationship advice.
What are the 16 personalities or personality types?
There are a total of 16 personalities. These are: ESTJ, ENTP, ESTP, ENFP, ESFP, ENTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ, ISTP, INFJ, ISTJ, INFP, INTJ, INTP, ISFJ, and ISFP.
Who can purchase the test?
The 16 Personalities test is available for companies and organizations that want to better understand their employees. Are you a business looking to frequently use online assessments and tests to elevate your organization? Check out the cost-effective subscription plans for businesses.
What can you use the 16 personality test for?
The 16 Personalities test is not only useful for getting to know your current employees better and making the most of their potential within your company. It is also very easy to use during the screening and recruitment of new employees.
Do you have any questions about this test or any of our other assessments? Don’t hesitate to contact us.