Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)

Renowned for 15+ years, The Bridge Personality 16 personality test is a key tool for companies, based on Carl Jung's personality model. It assesses employees across four dimensions: Extraversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving. These dimensions are crucial in determining the 16 Jungian personality types. Available as individual tests or a subscription service, it provides instant, in-depth personality profiles, aiding in team building and staff understanding.

The Jung dimension: Thinking (T) versus Feeling (F)

The third dimension in the 16 Jung Types preferences is Thinking (T) against Feeling (F). These represent contrasting mental processes used in decision-making.

Decision-Making: Thinking vs. Feeling

Individuals favoring Thinking prioritize objective criteria and logical analysis in decisions, focusing on facts and systems. Those leaning towards Feeling emphasize personal values and the impact on people, valuing relationships and emotions.

Redefining Thinking and Feeling

In Jung's typology, Thinking and Feeling diverge from their common interpretations. Feeling-based decision-making centers on people and values, while Thinking-based decision-making hinges on logic and systems. These terms go beyond mere emotion and intellect, indicating a preference rather than ability.

Balancing Thinking and Feeling in Decision-Making

While we all use both Thinking and Feeling in decisions, one often feels more natural (or easy) than the other. Jung believed that integrating both leads to more balanced and sound judgments.

Characteristics of Thinking and Feeling

Evaluate the traits below, considering which aligns more naturally with your decision-making style:

Thinking preference traits:

  • Logical reasoning, system-focused
  • Objective problem-solving
  • Critical analysis, seeking flaws to rectify
  • Task-oriented
  • Decisions based on impersonal criteria
  • Keywords: logical, objective, critical, reasonable, analytical

Feeling preference traits:

  • Decisions rooted in personal and social values, people-focused
  • Empathetic problem-solving
  • Valuing harmony, inclusive of diverse perspectives
  • Relationship-oriented-
  • Decisions consider personal contexts
  • Keywords: empathetic, compassionate, accommodating, subjective, accepting

Influence of Thinking or Feeling

These preferences shape our decision-making process, feedback style, conflict resolution approach, and preferences for recognition and appreciation, integral to the dynamics of the 16 Jung Types.

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The Bridge Tests & Online Assessments

TestGroup is the developer of the Bridge tests & online assessments, which are high-quality, scientific psychometric tests that are applied all over the world. All Bridge tests have been developed by TestGroup in collaboration with universities in the Netherlands and abroad. TestGroup specializes in predicting work behavior with personality tests, cognitive ability tests and career tests. We advise local and international organizations on the application of online assessments.