Online assessment for HR


Wednesday 05 June 2024

The past years, many new functions have arisen within companies, due to the emergence of digitization, AI and robotization. Not everyone has the competencies to work in these new jobs. An online assessment for HR is the solution.

Online assessment for HR

Work has changed significantly the recent years through the development of new technologies such as AI and robotization. Jobs are disappearing, but there are always new functions to take their places. That’s how it went in every industrial revolution and that's how it will be going in the current fourth industrial revolution as well. HR employees must ensure that the required competencies for the performing of new positions are available for applicants and employees. Research shows us that at the moment, HR employees pay less attention to the new technologies. New functions in an organization also mean “testing” on new competencies. An online assessment for HR management offers a solution.

What is an online assessment for HR?

An online assessment is also named as an e-assessment. These assessments usually include a personality test and a cognitive ability test or aptitude test. In development projects, this can be extended with a career test or 360-degree feedback. For sales employees, an online sales assessment is often used.

Usually, it’s the employees of the HR department who use online assessments for the selection and development of candidates and employees. With the introduction of all sorts of new jobs in the past years such as data analysts, cloud specialists and online marketers, it’s important that the online assessments “match” with the competencies that are required for these jobs. TestGroup's online assessments for HR are designed in a way that they can be used by the HR employees for every job profile.

Advantages of an online assessment for HR

  • Easy to match with every job profile;
  • Save a lot of money and time with an online assessment for HR;
  • Assessments are taken faster and completely online;
  • You don’t have to wait for the report of the assessment, it’s immediately available;
  • An HR department does not have to use assessment specialists or expensive psychologists;
  • All necessary knowledge is already available in the online assessment for HR.

Based on scientific research

The online assessment for HR is developed by the research & development team of TestGroup. We are specialized in predicting the work behavior through personality questionnaires. We also advise many National and International HR departments about the use of online assessments within HR.

More information about online assessments for HR?

Do you want to know more about the products we offer? Contact us here.


You can order an online assessment here.

Video: the Bridge Assessment Platform

With an account on the Bridge Assessment Platform, you can invite candidates, administer online assessments, and order reports, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. The Bridge Assessment platform is used by companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in over 20 countries. The system is easy to use, so there is no need for extensive training. Also, you can start immediately; your account will be ready in just 1 day.