Select sales employees with a sales assessment test


Wednesday 05 June 2024

Usually an online sales assessment is used to select sales employees. However, this assessment is also helpful for the development and training of sales people. Increase your sales with an online sales assessment.

According to research in the sales branch that has been going on for the past years, many sales employees are actually unfit for their job. What's the reason for this and how can you get more qualified sales people in your organization? How do you develop the competencies of a sales employee? With TestGroup's online sales assessment you can select and develop the best salespeople.

Proactive sales people

Good sellers are professionals. A good seller listens, can communicate with people and can empathize well. A skilled sales professional is alert, can switch quickly and knows all characteristics of the product that's being sold. In practice however, it's often different. Experience teaches us that at least 50 percent of all salespeople is unfit for the sales business. Customers often know more about the product than the seller because of the internet. As sales person needs to be a few steps ahead of the customers. They should be proactive and not wait but instead actively approach customers and call and respond on social media. Not every sales employee has those skills.

Predicting the behavior of sales employees

To get a grasp of the personality traits of sales employees, TestGroup developed an online sales assessment. Sales people can complete this online assessment to analyze which skills can be improved. The result is useful for organizations and employees. It shows which competencies an employee needs to develop for optimizing their sales performance. If the results show that the sales person is not in the right place in the organization, you can take action.

The online sales assessment reports many outcomes: if the sales employee is suited for the job, if extra training or guidance is needed or if the sales person is not suited for the job.

Sales assessment test

The online sales assessment provides insights into personality, work behavior and competencies, but also in the sales type of the sales employee. Is the sales person a Hunter, a Farmer, a Consultant or a Negotiator? Will your employee perform best in the planning phase, or excel at making deals? The online sales assessment is the tool when you need a quick, but also clear and trustworthy way to answer these questions.

Need help with developing your sales employees?

Do you need more information about our online sales assessments? You can contact us here.


You can order an online sales assessment here.

Video: The Bridge Sales Assessment

The Bridge Sales Assessment allows you to back up your gut feeling with validated science. This will prevent you from hiring a ‘false-positive’ and is the best way to reduce the odds of making a bad sales hire.

With the Bridge sales assessment you can choose the candidate with the greatest potential to succeed in the sales role. The online sales assessment lists all commercial success and risk factors of a candidate in a clear and compact report.