Online assessment for business succession


Wednesday 05 June 2024

In the online assessment for business succession, the competencies of a possible business successor are mapped out. These competencies are determined together with the client. For example: How does the company view succession? What qualities and competencies are expected of the successor? What are the points of attention for the successor?

During the online assessment, the competencies of the intended successor(s) are compared against the required competencies. The candidates’ strong qualities and areas of weakness to be developed are clearly defined. The online assessment is not only important for selection purposes, but it also strengthens the self-insight of the possible successor.

Your candidate tested immediately

There are no waiting times for registering a candidate for an online assessment. Our client support team can immediately help you prepare an online assessment for your candidate. In addition, you are flexible in the choice of test location, at the candidate's home or office.

The online assessment for business succession in 4 steps:

  • Contact us to order an online assessment for business succession
  • Together with the organisation, we determine the competency profile for the business successor. 8 to 10 competencies are mapped out. These competencies are measured in the online assessment;
  • Taking the online assessment. The candidate's current competency level is compared to the desired competency level;
  • If desired, you can go through the reports with a TestGroup consultant by telephone afterwards.


  • The online assessment measures abilities, personality, and competencies;
  • Scientifically substantiated, reliable, and valid;
  • Available at MBO, HBO, and WO level;
  • Available in 20 languages, including Dutch, English, German, French, and Spanish.

Sample report

Download a sample report of the online assessment for business succession here.

Parts of the online assessment

Personality Test - 45 minutes

Ability Test - 60 Minutes


An online assessment is ready for you within just 1 hour, and we are available to help you with interpretation of the results. You can order the online assessment here.

Video: the Bridge Assessment Platform

With an account on the Bridge Assessment Platform, you can invite candidates, administer online assessments, and order reports, 24 hours a day, anywhere in the world. The Bridge Assessment platform is used by companies, governments, psychologists, recruiters, and coaches in over 20 countries. The system is easy to use, so there is no need for extensive training. Also, you can start immediately; your account will be ready in just 1 day.