Which assessments are best for recruitment or talent acquisition?


Wednesday 05 June 2024

At some point, every company or organization starts looking for new talent. Even though ‘talent acquisition’ is often used as a special word for recruitment, there is, in fact, a difference between the two. Read on to learn more about this difference and the best way to approach both, including with assessment tests.

What is the difference between recruitment and talent acquisition?

Recruitment is simply the process of hiring new employees. This means that you post job openings online, search for possible candidates, make selections, perform screenings and interviews, evaluate the candidates, and them hire the suitable candidates. This traditional form of recruitment works for most companies, but is not always sufficient these days.

Talent acquisition, on the other hand, is the entire strategy involved in filling positions in a company with the right candidates. Part of this strategy, of course, is hiring, but it involves so much more.

Within talent acquisition, you're also going to look at your own company. How do you want to position yourself in the market? How do you make top talent want to work for you? What makes your company attractive? Employer branding will play a major role in this. In addition, it is important to draw up a plan for finding the talent you need. That talent could just as well be found in one of your own employees.

Why you should focus on talent acquisition

Everyone is looking for top talent these days, but it can seem as though the pond we are fishing in is getting emptier. Through talent acquisition, you proactively look for talent that you may need in the future.

If you set up a strong plan, use the right assessments, and work proactively, you ensure that there is a pool of candidates that you can fall back on when you need them. This is very useful for fast-growing companies that need to determine a firm hiring strategy, as well as for competitive industries or when searching for niche talent.

Implement assessment tests into your strategy

Online assessment tests are a strong foundation of any talent acquisition strategy. Not only can you use them to test new candidates on their capabilities, personality, or other characteristics, but you can also administer them to employees in your company or organization, allowing you to easily track down hidden talent that you can deploy where needed.

TestGroup offers different types of tests, from personality tests to cognitive ability tests, for different education levels and in 20 languages. Within 30 following test completion, you will receive the detailed report so you can further evaluate your candidate.

Browse our wide range of assessments or contact our client support team with any questions.