The Bridge Personality: 16 Jung Personality Types report


Wednesday 05 June 2024

The Bridge Personality: Extended report. Now information on the 16 Bridge Types and 34 Bridge competencies. Here you can find an example report.

The Bridge Personality: 16 Jung Personality Types report

Besides the Big Five Report, a 16 Jung Personality Types report is now also available for The Bridge Personality.

The Bridge Personality is available as 16 Personality Test, Big Five Personality Test and 4-Color Personality Test.

16 Jung Personality Types

Besides the familiar 34 dimensions, this report also includes an overview of the 16 Jung Types and a detailed description of the Bridge Type of the candidate. The Bridge Type tells something about the preferred behaviour of a candidate and deals with the Jung's theory of personality.

Bridge Competencies

The Extended Report also gives a score on the most common competencies in the business world and the civil service; e.g. innovation, relationship management and leadership. The system arranges the competencies by score, with the highest score at the top. You can thus see at a glance where your candidate’s strong points and points for improvement are.

Other languages

The Bridge Personality Extended report is available in Dutch, English, Czech, French, German, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian and Spanish

Example report

Click here for a sample report.

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You can order The Bridge Personality here.

Video : The Bridge Personality

Are you looking for the best personality questionnaire available? A personality questionnaire that prevents your candidates from faking their answers? A personality questionnaire that can be used for recruitment, coaching and improving sales performance? Welcome to the Bridge Personality, a world-leading personality questionnaire that really helps organizations to recruit, select and develop the best employees.