Using a competency test during a reorganization


Wednesday 05 June 2024

The decision to reorganize is not made overnight. There can be various reasons for reorganization within the company, such as deciding to take a different course of action, or having disappointing results or strong growth. However, one thing is certain during a reorganization, it brings unrest. Employees want to know where they stand and in the best interests of the organization it is important that the restructuring is carried out properly. A competency test can help with this. How? You can read about that in this article.

Importance of reorganization

We have said it before, there are several reasons for a reorganization. Through a reorganization you can pull the company out of dire straits, but it can also be a way to change course. Likewise, the success of the organization can be even better utilized through reorganization. It is not just a tool, in fact, reorganization has a lot of impact on employees and company culture. Therefore, it is important to carry it out as completely as possible. The Bridge Personality capability test can help put the right people with the right capabilities in the right place. A reorganization is a large and far-reaching process, and a competency test can help those carrying out this process to get as much out of it as they can.

Safety and trust

Employees can see a reorganization as a threat and are fearful of losing their job. It is therefore very important to offer employees confidence and security. When an employee experiences this, you will see that more flexibility is also shown toward the company and the reorganization. With a competency test, you show that you are genuinely interested in the employees' abilities. In addition, with a competency test there is a quick result, through a comprehensive and clear report. Reorganization is an exciting time where people like to know where they stand, and this test helps you complete a successful process.

The Bridge Personality test measures 34 competencies, which is among other things, very suitable for the recruitment and development of personnel. You can also choose to measure the appropriate competencies for the position, which will quickly give you a clear picture of whether someone can function well within that role in the organization.

Focused on the future

When the decision is made to reorganize, whether forced or of your own volition, as an organization you are focused on the future. You want to move forward, with the right employees in the right places. The Bridge Personality test not only measures employee competencies, but also employee change strength and honesty. It is important that employees can move with the growth and changes that are coming.

By using artificial intelligence with the Bridge Personlity test, it is possible to verify that employees' answers are honest. The employee (usually) does not want to lose his or her job during a reorganization, which is why desirable answers can be given in a capability test. It shows which answers were doubted and the employee is given mainly questions that are important for the job and the requested competencies. This allows you to trust the reports and the results of the tests.

The end of tunnel vision

The word reorganization says it all, the company is being reorganized. Over the years, tunnel vision may have developed among both management and employees. The Bridge Personality competency test provides insight into the competencies of employees, but therefore also the position in the organization. Is it time to say goodbye to an employee? Or does a new position better suit the competencies? Maybe it is the right time to invest in an employee. It is a quick and effective tool to gain insight into where the personnel stand in the organization and how they can best be deployed during a reorganization.

Ultimately, there are 4 points where a reorganization wants to end up, namely:

  • A safe, fair and "simple" process, for both the organization and the employee.
  • The right people in the right place.
  • Future-oriented view, through an independent and objective view of the organization.
  • Respect for employees, smooth uncertainties off the table..

Why should you use The Bridge Personality competency test?

There are numerous ability tests you can use during a reorganization, but why would you opt for the Bridge Personality Test?

  • 34 competencies are measured.
  • Suitable for selecting appropriate competencies for a job.
  • Artificial intelligence, recognizing socially desirable answers.
  • Available in multiple languages.
  • Automatically adapts to the candidate's response behavior.
  • Clear and comprehensive competency report, immediately after completion.
  • Available within 30 minutes.
  • Online, reliable and scientifically based.

It is also possible to go through employee reports afterwards with a TestGroup consultant. This modern ability test helps organizations get a clear and reliable picture of their employees. In times of reorganization, this is of great importance; after all, you want to get ahead as a company.